Omega Alpha’s Herba Coat Will Keep The Bugs Away While Keeping Your Good Dog’s Coat Looking Furbulous

Canine Culture, Health

It’s that time of year again!  Bug season.  With all the rain it’s only a matter of days when those pesky blackflies & mosquitoes  will be out buzzing about & looking for a meal.  My huMom doesn’t like to bring any toxins or chemicals that are harmful to us furleggers, herself  or our precious planet so she is pawsitively thrilled that Omega Alpha’s HerbaCoat™ helps keep those blood sucking bugs away.

Hi, CEO Olivia here.  Did you nose that HerbaCoat™ contains a soothing blend of neem, aloe vera, citronella, sunflower oil, surfactant, vegetable glycerin & lavender oils.  HerbaCoat™ conditions & moisturizes the skin, leaving our coat shiny & manageable, with a healthy natural scent that bugs hate but you  will love. Sadly, HerbaCoat™ is not recommended for our furbulous feline furiends; due to their for licking & grooming habits.

Neem Oil can help reduce itchiness with allergies, treat skin infections, fight fungal infections, & has even been shown to treat mange & ringworm. When used properly, there are many beneficial properties of neem oil with dogs to help them feel their best.  Neem oil is effective natural insecticide & may help keep ticks off. When ingested by the tick, neem oil causes ticks to lose their appetite, become infertile, & starve to death.

Citronella essential oil is safe for dogs & is one of the most effective oils for repelling fleas, ticks, & other bugs!  Citronella has also been known to help when it comes to reducing excessive barking by reinforcing calm behaviour.

One of the gentlest oils around, lavender is well-known as a natural sedative, calming & soothing the nerves, easing anxiety & depression & pawmoting deeper & more restful sleep. But did you nose it can also soothe pain from small wounds, burns & bites, treat dry, itchy skin, & is a natural bug repellent.

Aloe Vera is a wagnificent natural treatment for hot spots & when applied to your dog’s skin it pawvides much needed relief to the red itchy areas affected. Rich in minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, vitamins A, C, & E it is known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, & anti-fungal properties.

My huMom always has a litre bottle of HerbaCoat™ on had that she uses to refill our many 120ml bottles of HerbaCoat™.  She likes to keep a bottle of HerbaCoat™ near the door of our house, one on the porch & one in her travel bag.  This way she says she is always pawpared for these pesky bugs.

Let me give you a good dog tip.  If your good dog is like me, I don’t like to be sprayed with anything, even water.  HuMom will spray HerbaCoat™ into her hands then rub it into my coat, around my feet & legs & very carefully around my head being very careful not to get it in my eyes.

No one wants to be bugged when they are having fun outside pawtrolling for squirrels, sniffing out stinks, running an agility course, or having a pup nap.  HerbaCoat™ will help  pawtect you from bugs while keeping your furbulous coat looking pawtastic.  Hey, it’s safe for humans too; my huMom loves using HerbaCoat™ .

Have a pawsome week, CEO Olivia, Dot, Jerry Underfoot & Eddy 💜




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